2017 ICE Social Enterprise Grant
12 Apr 2017

Inner City Enterprise (ICE) are now taking applications for the 2017 Social Enterprise Grant Scheme. The scheme currently has €50,000 at its disposal and has been created to provide a small number of flexible grants for Social Enterprises, either at start-up or development phase.
The Social Enterprise Grant Scheme is a scheme established by ICE, and drawn down under the Local Enterprise Office (LEO), Dublin.
The closing date for submissions is 19th May 2017.
An application form is available to download here, where you will also find the eligibility criteria. Completed application forms should be emailed to innercityenter@gmail.com and a hard copy forwarded by post to Inner City Enterprise, Unit F4 Spade Enterprise Centre, North King Street, Dublin 7.
For more information on ICE, see their website.