13 Mar 2019

FINLAND INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE - In February, 6 young people and 2 youth workers, Eddie Fitzpatrick and Eileen Nalty from the Youth Services travelled to Kokkola in Northern Finland, to link up with groups from Finland, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia and Romania. The theme was “Snowmen Go Intercultural”. Six young people from each country, aged between 14 / 17 years, male and female took part.
JUNIOR LEADERSHIP RESIDENTIAL - The Talk About Youth Project are very fortunate to have an incredible group of Junior leaders, who as well as participating in their own groups, are leaders in at least 3 youth groups for younger people.
Recently, they were brought to the Cavan Centre to brush up on their leadership skills and participate in a range of team building activities, both indoor and outdoor.
MID-TERM FUN - To make use of the mid - term break the youth project ran a number of fun activities including “Guinness Record Attempts” in Gloucester street sports centre. Many thanks to Mazzie O Reilly, Sports Officer from DUBLIN City Council, and then an afternoon in Skill Zone in Stillorgan
DCYA NEW TARGETED YOUTH FUNDED SCHEME -Our funders the Department of Children and Youth Affairs, are rolling out a new targeted funding scheme. As part of the consultation process with youth projects, a needs assessment and area profiling exercise is currently being undertaken. Part of this process involves meetings with staff and young people. These took place in St Andrews in the past week. Huge credit must go to the staff and the young people who participated with Grainne Lord, Liaison Officer with CDYSB - City of Dublin Youth Service Board. The many and varied needs of our young people were articulated in an enthusiastic, passionate and knowledgeable manner. Huge thanks to all who took part.