Eastside + Docklands LES – Construction Skills Course
31 Jul 2017

Today, 31st July 2017, the first Eastside + Docklands Local Employment service Construction skills course began. The course is an intensive three week course for 11 participants and is being delivered by a partnership of Eastside+Docklands LES, Dublin City Council, St. Andrews Resource Centre, Inner City Renewal Group (ICRG), Dublin Docklands, Dublin Port, Department of Social Protection and Construction Industry Training (CIT). The course covers a comprehensive range of skills for those taking part:
SOLAS Safe Pass
This is a one Day course required for all candidates working in construction covering all aspects of Health and Safety. Clients will have this qualification provided by the LES before starting the course.
Manual Handling
This half day course is a legal requirement for all construction workers. The course that will be delivered to candidates attending the Docklands GO programme will focus heavily on construction related lifts. The tutors delivering the 6 Day GO Construction Skills module are QQI qualified Manual Handling Instructors and as such will be ensuring good Manual Handling practice is adopted and used throughout the programme.
Abrasive Wheels
This half day course is also a legal requirement for all construction workers. The minimum legal requirement is for a theory only course. Our course however will include practical modules where candidates will measure and cut a variety of materials with both an angle grinder and consaw The tutors delivering the 6 Day GO Construction Skills module are fully qualified Abrasive Wheels Instructors.
Working at Heights
This is a half day course required for all candidates working in construction. The course will also cover safe us of harnesses.
Vehicle Banksman/Spotter
This half day course is designed to instruct the vehicle banksman in the correct methods of controlling, directing, loading unloading and parking of vehicles.
General Operative/Labourer Basic Training
This six day course will equip candidates with the basic skills required of any General Operative or Labourer on-site. The following areas will be covered:
- • House Keeping
- • Measuring / Ratios
- • Laying Out
- • Use of Hand Tools
- • Use of Power Tools
- • Levels
- • Basic Fabrication
- • Loading, Unloading and Moving Materials
As with all previous modules, this element of the course will be heavily weighted towards practical learning and each candidate will be required to demonstrate proficiency in the above modules.
SOLAS CSCS Mobile Access Tower Training
This two day beginners course will fully train candidates in erecting alloy tower scaffold.
Mobile Elevating Work Platform – MEWP
This one day course will cover use of both scissors and boom type MEWP
Job Application Workshop
This half day Job Application workshop will cover job application and interview preparation. Upon completion of this workshop each candidate will receive a folder containing an up to date CV, letter of job application and copies of certificates and course outlines. Digital copies of these documents will be distributed by email to each candidate.
This is the first course geographically located to suit jobseekers in search of work in Dublin Docklands and includes access to employers as part of the Docklands Strategic Development Zone (SDZ)
If you are interested in working in the construction industry and taking part in the next course contact Jim Hargis on 01 677 1930 jim.hargis@standrews.ie or Henrietta Kerrigan on 01 876 4670 henrietta@icrg.ie