- Drop-In Service The Drop-in service provides young people with a safe environment to deliver a service in the evenings, which is solely ...
- InBetweenAgers This group is co-ordinated by volunteers. The members of the group are aged between 8 – 10yrs, and are supported ...
- The Zone Programme This programme operates from CBS, the local secondary school. It provides an opportunity for the young people to learn through ...
- Intercultural Group The Intercultural group was set up to provide a space for young people from different ethnic backgrounds to explore different ...
- RSE and Drug Education Age related RSE programmes are run with specific age groups to help them become more confident about themselves, their bodies ...
- Music Programme
The Music Programme is to develop new music skills and social development through fun and new experiences, by learning instruments ...
- One Direction This is a group run by volunteers who are supported by the Talk About Youth Project. The group caters for ...
- Young Women's Group
The aim of this programme is to provide a safe enviorment where young girls can explore issues and topics that ...
- The Elite The Elite caters for young people from the age of 13 – 15yrs.This group allows young people to explore various ...
- Youth 21 This group is for young people aged 10 – 12 years.The aim of the group is to encourage young people ...
- Film Group This group engages young people through the medium of drama. It is a youth led programme where young people can ...
- Education Unit As a main objective of this programme, young people are supported to develop skills in order to help them re- ...
- International Programme
A range of international exchange programmes are instrumental in providing opportunities for young people to take part in cultural and ...
- The Dazzellettes
This is a specialised group which provides the young person with the opportunity to build personal and social skills, self-esteem ...
- Guitar Group
This group provides young people with the opportunity to learn new musical skills, while also providing them with the opportunity ...